Class InfoOverlay

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

    public class InfoOverlay
    extends Control
    A simple UI control that allows for an information popup to be displayed over a node to describe it in further detail. In some ways, it can be thought of as a always visible tooltip (although by default it is collapsed so only the first line is shown - clicking on it will expand it to show all text).

    Shown below is a screenshot of the InfoOverlay control in both its collapsed and expanded states:

    Screenshot of InfoOverlay
    • Constructor Detail

      • InfoOverlay

        public InfoOverlay()
        Constructs a default InfoOverlay control with no node or text.
      • InfoOverlay

        public InfoOverlay​(String imageUrl,
                           String text)
        Attempts to construct an InfoOverlay instance using the given string to load an image, and to place the given text string over top of it.
        imageUrl - The image file to attempt to load.
        text - The text to display over top of the image.
      • InfoOverlay

        public InfoOverlay​(Node content,
                           String text)
        Constructs an InfoOverlay instance using the given Node (which can be an arbitrarily complex node / scenegraph, or a simple ImageView, for example), and places the given text string over top of it.
        content - The arbitrarily complex scenegraph over which the text will be displayed.
        text - The text to display over top of the node.
    • Method Detail

      • contentProperty

        public final ObjectProperty<Node> contentProperty()
        an ObjectProperty containing the arbitrarily complex scenegraph over which the text will be displayed.
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(Node content)
        Sets a new value for the contentProperty().
        content -
      • getContent

        public final Node getContent()
        the arbitrarily complex scenegraph over which the text will be displayed.
      • getText

        public final String getText()
        The text displayed over top of the content.
      • setText

        public final void setText​(String text)
        Specifies the text to display over top of the content.
        text -
      • isShowOnHover

        public final boolean isShowOnHover()
        whether the overlay on hover of the content node is showing.
      • setShowOnHover

        public final void setShowOnHover​(boolean value)
        Specifies whether to show the overlay on hover of the content node (and to hide it again when the content is no longer being hovered). By default this is true.
        value -
      • getUserAgentStylesheet

        protected final String getUserAgentStylesheet​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                      String fileName)
        A helper method that ensures that the resource based lookup of the user agent stylesheet only happens once. Caches the external form of the resource.
        clazz - the class used for the resource lookup
        fileName - the name of the user agent stylesheet
        the external form of the user agent stylesheet (the path)