Class PopupStringFilter<S,​T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PopupStringFilter

        public PopupStringFilter​(FilteredTableColumn<S,​T> tableColumn)
        Creates a new instance of PopupStringFilter.
        tableColumn - TableColumn associated with PopupFilter
    • Method Detail

      • getOperations

        public List<String> getOperations()
        Returns a list of operations which can be performed on this PopupFilter.
        Specified by:
        getOperations in class PopupFilter<S,​T>
        A list of operations.
      • getParser

        public Parser<T> getParser()
        Returns a TextParser which is used to parse the text in the TextField and filter the data.
        Specified by:
        getParser in class PopupFilter<S,​T>
        A Parser.
      • caseSensitiveProperty

        public final BooleanProperty caseSensitiveProperty()
      • setConverter

        public final void setConverter​(StringConverter<T> value)
        Sets the value of the property converter.
        Property description:
        Converts the user-typed input (when the PopupStringFilter to an object of type T.
      • getConverter

        public final StringConverter<T> getConverter()
        Gets the value of the property converter.
        Property description:
        Converts the user-typed input (when the PopupStringFilter to an object of type T.