Class NotificationPane

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

    public class NotificationPane
    extends Control
    The NotificationPane control is a container control that, when prompted by the show() method, will show a non-modal message to the user. The notification appears as a bar that will slide in to their application window, either from the top or the bottom of the NotificationPane (based on showFromTopProperty()) wherever that may be in the scenegraph.

    Alternative Styling

    As is visible in the screenshots further down this documentation, there are two different styles supported by the NotificationPane control. Firstly, there is the default style based on the JavaFX Modena look. The alternative style is what is currently referred to as the 'dark' look. To enable this functionality, simply do the following:

     NotificationPane notificationPane = new NotificationPane();   


    To better explain NotificationPane, here is a table showing both the default and dark look for the NotificationPane on a Windows machine (although that shouldn't impact the visuals a great deal). Also, to show the difference between top and bottom placement, these two modes are also captured in the screenshots below:



    Light theme from top:
    Screenshot of NotificationPane - Light theme from top
    Light theme from bottom:
    Screenshot of NotificationPane - Light theme from bottom
    Dark theme from top:
    Screenshot of NotificationPane - Dark theme from top
    Dark theme from bottom:
    Screenshot of NotificationPane - Dark theme from bottom

    Code Examples

    NotificationPane is a conceptually very simple control - you simply create your user interface as you normally would, and then wrap it inside the NotificationPane. You can then show a notification bar on top of your content simply by calling show() on the notification bar. Here is an example:

     // Create a WebView
     WebView webView = new WebView();
     // Wrap it inside a NotificationPane
     NotificationPane notificationPane = new NotificationPane(webView);
     // and put the NotificationPane inside a Tab
     Tab tab1 = new Tab("Tab 1");
     // and the Tab inside a TabPane. We just have one tab here, but of course 
     // you can have more!
     TabPane tabPane = new TabPane();

    Now that the notification pane is installed inside the tab, at some point later in you application lifecycle, you can do something like the following to have the notification bar slide into view:

     notificationPane.setText("Do you want to save your password?");
     notificationPane.getActions().add(new AbstractAction("Save Password") {
         public void execute(ActionEvent ae) {
             // do save...
             // then hide...
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • ON_SHOWING

        public static final EventType<Event> ON_SHOWING
        Called when the NotificationPane will be shown.
      • ON_SHOWN

        public static final EventType<Event> ON_SHOWN
        Called when the NotificationPane shows.
      • ON_HIDING

        public static final EventType<Event> ON_HIDING
        Called when the NotificationPane will be hidden.
      • ON_HIDDEN

        public static final EventType<Event> ON_HIDDEN
        Called when the NotificationPane is hidden.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationPane

        public NotificationPane()
        Creates an instance of NotificationPane with no content, text, graphic properties set, and no actions specified.
      • NotificationPane

        public NotificationPane​(Node content)
        Creates an instance of NotificationPane with the content property set, but no text or graphic property set, and no actions specified.
        content - The content to show in the NotificationPane behind where the notification bar will appear, that is, the content will notappear in the notification bar.
    • Method Detail

      • contentProperty

        public final ObjectProperty<Node> contentProperty()
        The content property represents what is shown in the scene that is not within the notification bar. In other words, it is what the notification bar should appear on top of. For example, in the scenario where you are using a WebView to show to the user websites, and you want to popup up a notification bar to save a password, the content would be the WebView. Refer to the NotificationPane class documentation for more details.
        A property representing the content of this NotificationPane.
      • setContent

        public final void setContent​(Node value)
        Set the content to be shown in the scene, that is not within the notification bar.
        value -
      • getContent

        public final Node getContent()
        The content shown in the scene.
      • textProperty

        public final StringProperty textProperty()
        The text property represents the text to show within the popup notification bar that appears on top of the content that is within the NotificationPane.
        See Also:
        getText(), setText(String)
      • setText

        public final void setText​(String value)
        Sets the text to show within the popup notification bar that appears on top of the content.
        value -
      • getText

        public final String getText()
        the text showing within the popup notification bar that appears on top of the content.
      • graphicProperty

        public final ObjectProperty<Node> graphicProperty()
        The graphic property represents the Node to show within the popup notification bar that appears on top of the content that is within the NotificationPane. Despite the term 'graphic', this can be an arbitrarily complex scenegraph in its own right.
        See Also:
        getGraphic(), setGraphic(Node)
      • setGraphic

        public final void setGraphic​(Node value)
        Sets the Node to show within the popup notification bar.
        value -
      • getGraphic

        public final Node getGraphic()
        the Node to show within the popup notification bar.
      • showingProperty

        public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty showingProperty()
        A read-only property that represents whether the notification bar popup should be showing to the user or not. To toggle visibility, use the show() and hide() methods.
        See Also:
      • isShowing

        public final boolean isShowing()
        whether the notification bar is currently showing.
      • showFromTopProperty

        public final BooleanProperty showFromTopProperty()
        A property representing whether the notification bar should appear from the top or the bottom of the NotificationPane area. By default it will appear from the top, but this can be changed by setting this property to false.
        See Also:
        isShowFromTop(), setShowFromTop(boolean)
      • setShowFromTop

        public final void setShowFromTop​(boolean value)
        Sets whether the notification bar should appear from the top or the bottom of the NotificationPane area.
        value -
      • isShowFromTop

        public final boolean isShowFromTop()
        whether the notification bar is appearing from the top or the bottom of the NotificationPane area.
      • setOnShowing

        public final void setOnShowing​(EventHandler<Event> value)
        Called just prior to the NotificationPane being shown.
      • getOnShowing

        public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShowing()
        Gets the value of the property onShowing.
        Property description:
      • getOnShown

        public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShown()
        Gets the value of the property onShown.
        Property description:
      • getOnHiding

        public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHiding()
        Gets the value of the property onHiding.
        Property description:
      • getOnHidden

        public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHidden()
        Gets the value of the property onHidden.
        Property description:
      • closeButtonVisibleProperty

        public final BooleanProperty closeButtonVisibleProperty()
        A property representing whether the close button in the NotificationPane should be visible or not. By default it will appear but this can be changed by setting this property to false.
        See Also:
        isCloseButtonVisible(), setCloseButtonVisible(boolean)
      • setCloseButtonVisible

        public final void setCloseButtonVisible​(boolean value)
        Sets whether the close button in NotificationPane should be visible.
        value -
      • isCloseButtonVisible

        public final boolean isCloseButtonVisible()
        whether the close button in NotificationPane is visible.
      • getActions

        public final ObservableList<Action> getActions()
        Observable list of actions used for the actions area of the notification bar. Modifying the contents of this list will change the actions available to the user.
        The ObservableList of actions available to the user.
      • show

        public void show()
        Call this to make the notification bar appear on top of the content of this NotificationPane. If the notification bar is already showing this will be a no-op.
      • show

        public void show​(String text)
        Shows the NotificationPane with the content and text property set, but no graphic property set, and no actions specified.
        text - The text to show in the notification pane.
      • show

        public void show​(String text,
                         Node graphic)
        Shows the NotificationPane with the content, text and graphic properties set, but no actions specified.
        text - The text to show in the notification pane.
        graphic - The node to show in the notification pane.
      • show

        public void show​(String text,
                         Node graphic,
                         Action... actions)
        Shows the NotificationPane with the content, text and graphic property set, and the provided actions copied into the actions list.
        text - The text to show in the notification pane.
        graphic - The node to show in the notification pane.
        actions - The actions to show in the notification pane.
      • hide

        public void hide()
        Call this to make the notification bar disappear from the content of this NotificationPane. If the notification bar is already hidden this will be a no-op.
      • getUserAgentStylesheet

        protected final String getUserAgentStylesheet​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                      String fileName)
        A helper method that ensures that the resource based lookup of the user agent stylesheet only happens once. Caches the external form of the resource.
        clazz - the class used for the resource lookup
        fileName - the name of the user agent stylesheet
        the external form of the user agent stylesheet (the path)