Module org.controlsfx.controls
Class FilteredTableColumn<S,T>
- java.lang.Object
- javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase<S,T>
- javafx.scene.control.TableColumn<S,T>
- org.controlsfx.control.tableview2.TableColumn2<S,T>
- org.controlsfx.control.tableview2.FilteredTableColumn<S,T>
- Type Parameters:
- The type of the objects contained within the TableView items list.T
- The type of the content in all cells in this TableColumn
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class FilteredTableColumn<S,T> extends TableColumn2<S,T>
An extension ofTableColumn2
that allows filtering options. A filter button is displayed in the column header. If no predicate is applied to the column, it is grayed, else it is blue. The developer can select the action that will be performed when this button is clicked.
Property Summary
Properties Type Property Description BooleanProperty
When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>
The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.ObservableValue<Predicate<? super T>>
This property allows defining a predicate for the column.-
Properties inherited from class org.controlsfx.control.tableview2.TableColumn2
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumn
cellFactory, cellValueFactory, onEditCancel, onEditCommit, onEditStart, sortType, tableView
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase
comparator, contextMenu, editable, graphic, id, maxWidth, minWidth, parentColumn, prefWidth, reorderable, resizable, sortable, sortNode, style, text, visible, width
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumn
TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S extends Object,T extends Object>, TableColumn.CellEditEvent<S extends Object,T extends Object>, TableColumn.SortType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumn
Fields inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description FilteredTableColumn()
Creates a FilteredTableColumn control.FilteredTableColumn(String text)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.EventHandler<ActionEvent>
Gets the value of the property onFilterAction.Predicate<? super T>
Gets the value of the property predicate.boolean
Gets the value of the property filterable.ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>
The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.ObservableValue<Predicate<? super T>>
This property allows defining a predicate for the column.void
setFilterable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the property filterable.void
setOnFilterAction(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value)
Sets the value of the property onFilterAction.void
setPredicate(Predicate<? super T> value)
Sets the value of the property predicate.-
Methods inherited from class org.controlsfx.control.tableview2.TableColumn2
getSouthNode, setSouthNode, southNodeProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumn
cellFactoryProperty, cellValueFactoryProperty, editAnyEvent, editCancelEvent, editCommitEvent, editStartEvent, getCellFactory, getCellObservableValue, getCellObservableValue, getCellValueFactory, getClassCssMetaData, getColumns, getCssMetaData, getOnEditCancel, getOnEditCommit, getOnEditStart, getSortType, getStyleableNode, getStyleableParent, getTableView, getTypeSelector, onEditCancelProperty, onEditCommitProperty, onEditStartProperty, setCellFactory, setCellValueFactory, setOnEditCancel, setOnEditCommit, setOnEditStart, setSortType, sortTypeProperty, tableViewProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase
addEventHandler, buildEventDispatchChain, comparatorProperty, contextMenuProperty, editableProperty, getCellData, getCellData, getComparator, getContextMenu, getGraphic, getId, getMaxWidth, getMinWidth, getParentColumn, getPrefWidth, getProperties, getPseudoClassStates, getSortNode, getStyle, getStyleClass, getText, getUserData, getWidth, graphicProperty, hasProperties, idProperty, isEditable, isReorderable, isResizable, isSortable, isVisible, maxWidthProperty, minWidthProperty, parentColumnProperty, prefWidthProperty, removeEventHandler, reorderableProperty, resizableProperty, setComparator, setContextMenu, setEditable, setGraphic, setId, setMaxWidth, setMinWidth, setPrefWidth, setReorderable, setResizable, setSortable, setSortNode, setStyle, setText, setUserData, setVisible, sortableProperty, sortNodeProperty, styleProperty, textProperty, visibleProperty, widthProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javafx.event.EventTarget
Property Detail
public final BooleanProperty filterableProperty
When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.- See Also:
public final ObservableValue<Predicate<? super T>> predicateProperty
This property allows defining a predicate for the column. This predicate can be nullified when the table's predicate is reset, so it is convenient that this property can be set again dynamically via the UI optionTableColumn2.southNode
.- See Also:
public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onFilterActionProperty
The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.
Constructor Detail
public FilteredTableColumn()
Creates a FilteredTableColumn control.
public FilteredTableColumn(String text)
Method Detail
public final void setFilterable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the property filterable.- Property description:
- When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.
public final boolean isFilterable()
Gets the value of the property filterable.- Property description:
- When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.
public final BooleanProperty filterableProperty()
When the filterable property is set to true, the column can be filtered.- See Also:
public final void setPredicate(Predicate<? super T> value)
Sets the value of the property predicate.- Property description:
- This property allows defining a predicate for the column.
This predicate can be nullified when the table's predicate is reset,
so it is convenient that this property can be set again dynamically via
the UI option
public final Predicate<? super T> getPredicate()
Gets the value of the property predicate.- Property description:
- This property allows defining a predicate for the column.
This predicate can be nullified when the table's predicate is reset,
so it is convenient that this property can be set again dynamically via
the UI option
public final ObservableValue<Predicate<? super T>> predicateProperty()
This property allows defining a predicate for the column. This predicate can be nullified when the table's predicate is reset, so it is convenient that this property can be set again dynamically via the UI optionTableColumn2.southNode
.- See Also:
public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onFilterActionProperty()
The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.
public final void setOnFilterAction(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value)
Sets the value of the property onFilterAction.- Property description:
- The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.
public final EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnFilterAction()
Gets the value of the property onFilterAction.- Property description:
- The filter button's action, which is invoked whenever the filter button is fired.